Sunday, April 29, 2012
Hip Hip Hooray
The semester is ending and my heart fills with glee
Some final exams and then graduation. Tee-hee!
Students would be scandalized, if they did know
How doing without them makes my heart glow
Okay, so my incentive to teach is at an all time low
Blame me if you wish, but please get out of my way
Summer is upon us and I ain't wasting a day
Worrying about work. It is time to play.
Hip hip hooray!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
World's Worst Volunteer
And now my life is one big huge fat stress
Let me hearby confess
I volunteered for good causes and boy what a mess
I said yes to Kathy and Valerie, too
Church causes and writers groups to name but a few
Asked me to step forward, I donned my volunteer shoe
And then out of the blue
I had this, that, and the other to do, do ,do, do.
Five phone calls, three meetings and scheduling events
This is how my week got spent
Volunteering my time, I now solemnly lament
And risking Hell, where I'll likely be sent
I now know never to allow my resolve to be bent
Next time I'll say no, whatever the worthy cause
To be honest losing me won't be much of a loss
Since when I'm stressed out to the max I get downright cross.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
A Love Poem, of Sorts
Talent at my computer I really don't got
Good thing I have Hubby, who has patience a lot
And constantly saves me from every rough spot
Excel Spreadsheet or Adobe Acrobat?
This kind of stuff makes my brain go splat-splat
But hubby keeps the hazards from laying me out flat
And never tells me I'm stupider than the cat
Hubby does all my updates and any computer duty
The stuff that makes me use words like gosh-darn and phooey
Indeed, when I see him with my laptop I get downright gooey
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Hoppy Easter
The kid in me wants to stand up and cheer
Friday night was Passover at our neighbors'
We drank the fruit of the vine, reclined, and took a rest from our labors
Elijah stayed away despite a clear invite
Oh well, the rest of us had a real pleasant night
Saturday we gardened and watched the Masters
We shopped and we planned so Easter dinner would not be a disaster
Biscuits and ham and Easter lasagna with artichokes
The table decorated with bunnies--they're right cute little blokes
Church and cooking and mingling with friends
And now it appears our weekend is at an end.
So happy holiday greetings to you all I do hereby send.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
A Premiere Performance
Abelard and Heloise: The Musical
The concept is rather quizzical
I mean, what in tarnation?
Their love affair ended in castration
Now that I have your attention
Perhaps I ought to mention
I teach history at a community college
And of medieval things have some knowledge
In the Twelfth Century Abelard taught Latin lit
And Heloise, his star student, would sit
And listen to his brilliance hour upon hour
Until he got her pregnant and things suddenly went sour
Here's where the castration thing comes into play
Her Uncle Fulbert said Abelard should rue the day
When he seduced Heloise so young and innocent
And into monasteries the ill-fated lovers went
The Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris now holds their remains
And me, a medieval historian and a tad bit insane
Visited them on Christmas day a long time ago
And last night I went to see their musical show
Abelard's calamities are not for the feint of heart
But setting them to lyre music provides a good start
Odd-shaped bongos, tambourines, and an instrument I know not
For a donation at the door, I sure got a lot.